Konnecting Kindergarten
for students ages 5 to 7 transitioning from preschool to elementary
What is the Konnecting Class?
Five to seven year old students (of traditional Kindergarten age) are initially placed in our 'Konnecting Class' which provides the opportunity to make a smooth transition between Preschool and Elementary learning.
The Konnecting Class is like an expanded Kindergarten. With our smaller classes and low student-teacher ratios, we have the flexibility to respond to the individual needs of our students; the class might include a precocious child who is too young to enter public Kindergarten, or perhaps an older child who is still learning early reading skills.
The group overlaps with many of the learning activities of the older ASA children, while also thriving as their own distinct entity. These children focus on building early reading and computational skills, as well as developing strategies to become excellent students and independent learners.
Art and music play a significant role in their learning journey—they create amazing artwork as a means of exploration and self-expression, and they love to sing. A large portion of their time is spent outdoors, where the farm and natural surroundings provide endless opportunities to nurture their curious, questioning, and analytical minds.
These students benefit from learning alongside their older classmates and, in turn, often model skills and share knowledge themselves. They are insightful, proud of their work, eager to learn, artistically talented, physically strong, and—bonus—they work exceptionally well as a team.
We follow the children’s lead in their development. While many in this age group are ready for elementary academic work, some may still need growth in social and emotional skills, like sharing or managing everyday tasks such as putting on a snowsuit independently. Others may need additional time to build the focus required for more advanced academic learning.
Konnectors are ready to transition into the ASA group when they are reading independently, using basic computational skills, and have developed the social and emotional maturity to work both independently and collaboratively as a team member.
Konnecting Class students have the opportunity to be leaders to younger children as well as have older students to look up to.